Only The Centaurs Win
Note: An AI wrote parts of this article. Try to guess which 🙂
In the first chapter of Smarter Than You Think, the author, Clive Thompson, narrated the story of the rise, fall and rise of Kasparov, a chess grand champion.
The main takeaway depicted a battle between the past and the future. In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue supercomputer beat the world champion, Kasparov, in a game of chess. The defeat was devastating, with media outlets terming it the evil triumph of AI over the brain.
But Kasparov did something beautiful after that. He learned the ways of the supercomputer partnering with the AI giving birth to what’s now called Advanced Chess.
Software is eating the world. And to be spared, one needs to pander to its desires, master them and, in turn, use them to achieve one’s goals.